We now have a new mobile phone. The number is 083 4415642. The landline (066 7139456) is still fully operational. The landline handset is cordless but its range does not extend to all classrooms. Therefore in the following circumstances it would be better to ring or text the mobile:
– if we have contacted you and you are returning our call outside of break times (11:00 to 11:10 and 1:00 – 1:30)
– If you need to contact us urgently as the messages left on the landline will only be checked at break time or after school.
– If you would prefer to send a text message rather than leaving a message on the landline.
The mobile will also be taken when we go on whole school or class outings. We ask, to minimise disruption of lessons, that you would not ring the mobile during class time except in the aforementioned circumstances.

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