The Train Ride

The Train Ride

This week saw the return of Aistear to the infant classrooms. Aistear provides enjoyable and challenging learning experiences, so that all children can grow and develop as competent and confident learners. The theme for this fortnight is the story ‘The Train...
The Beach

The Beach

With summer holidays fast approaching the theme for this months Aistear is the beach. Topics such as things we find/see on the beach, water safety, lighthouses and beach holidays are all covered . The pupils are having great fun taking part in a number of activities....
The Rainbow Fish

The Rainbow Fish

Junior and Senior Infants have explored lots of different themes in Aistear so far this year. Aistear is a great way for the children to learn a variety of skills and new vocabulary. This month our theme is ‘The Rainbow Fish’. The book is best known for...