Active Flag
Learn about our quest to gain our first Active School Flag

Active School Flag
The Active School Flag was launched by the Department of Education in May 2009. The purpose of the initiative is to recognise schools (primary, post primary and special schools) that strive to achieve a physically active and physically educated school community.
Helping us to achieve the ASF!
We are trying to achieve the Active School Flag in Aughacasla National School this year. Mr Doyle is our ASF co-ordinator and with his help we can do it. He has great things planned for our ASF journey. We will all be as fit as fiddles in no time. We will keep you updated here on our quest to gaining our first Active School Flag.
Physical Education
As well as P.E. every week with class teacher we have Tommy each fortnight to help practice our football skills.
Last term we had Tríona in to do some Irish Dancing.
This term we had Sean from Munster Rugby in to teach us some tag rugby.
Physical Activities
MAY 2019
Following their impressive win on Monday the girls from 5th and 6th Class travelled to Tralee to play in the County Championship Semi-Final against Glenbeigh. Unfortunately, it wasn’t their day but this was a great achievement and all the girls put in a fantastic performance.
5th and 6th Class headed to Tralee Rugby Club for a rugby blitz in May. The sun was shining and the children really enjoyed themselves. All in Aughacasla NS have had a great time over the last few months practising their rugby skills with Sean Brosnan from Munster Rugby. Big thanks to Sean for all the training and for organising the blitz today.
Today the children from 3rd and 4th Class were at the beautiful Centre of Excellence in Currans for a football blitz. It is a beautiful centre and it was a great privilege for the children to experience it. The children really themselves and did the school very proud. Well done everyone. Big thanks to Mr Doyle and Katie who accompanied the children to Currans.
APRIL 2019
Some of the boys and girls from 4th, 5th and 6th Class took a trip back to Gallarus for a football blitz. Despite the very challenging weather conditions the children played their best and did the school proud. Well done everyone!
Twinkle Toes
Congratulations and well done to 3rd class pupil – Caoimhe ‘twinkle toes’ Cawley. Caoimhe came 8th in the Great Britain Irish Dancing Championships in Brighton, England in October. WELL DONE!!
Soccer Stars
Congratulation and well done to 4th class student Mark Farrell who made the Kerrys Eye ‘Team of the Week’ on the 5th October 2017. Well done to Mark’s classmate Callum O’Brien who also got a special mention in the article about the game. Well done lads and keep up the hard work.
Resources for parents
Here are some ‘Active Ideas’ for home :
- Go for pre- or post- dinner walks
- Turn up the music and boogie down!
- Make a game out of household chores.
- Sneak workouts into other activities i.e. taking the stairs instead of the escalator.
- Turn TV ad breaks into fitness breaks.
- Have a weekly sports night, where everyone in the family gets involved.
- Let the kids help with work in the yard and with gardening – catch leaves, raking, sorting, digging, planting, etc.
- Walk the dog.
Here are some fantastic resources for parents to encourage even more physical activity at home:
(Copy and paste into browser)
Active School Week
The Department of Education and Skills and Healthy Ireland encourage ALL schools to organise an Active School Week (ASW) as part of their annual school calendar. The ASW initiative is about providing FUN and INCLUSIVE physical activity opportunities for ALL members of the school community. It allows schools to reinforce the message that not only is physical activity good for you but it also very enjoyable. It provides schools with an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about the physical activity opportunities that are available in their locality and to work collaboratively with students, parents and members of the community. We have our Active School Week planned from the 17th – 21st June 2019 this year.