We are delighted to have Pat and Conor from Cycle Right by Wheelie Good Cycle Academy with us every Tuesday for the next four weeks in 5th and 6th Class. Cycle Right is the national standard for cycle training. It provides practical cycle safety and skills training to promote competent and confident cyclists. The children will learn essential road safety and competency skills such as bike handling, correct use of helmets, negotiating roundabouts, traffic lights, traffic signage, travelling at appropriate speeds for the road surfaces and conditions, moving between major and minor roads, meeting pedestrians/animals/vehicles etc.

Cycle Right offers a programme uniquely suited to the Irish environment, taking account of rural, suburban and urban conditions that are regularly encountered in close proximity. The children will be empowered to move safely as a cyclist in complex, changing road environments in their locality.

The children (and staff!) have already learned so much and we cannot wait to see what next week brings.

Big thanks to Kerry Recreation and Sports Partnership for their funding support for the programme.


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