About our school
Information about our school, who we are and the values that we hold dear....
Aughacasla National School is a community of staff, students, parents and management pursuing excellence in all its educational undertaking. We offer every student the opportunity to develop his/her abilities and talents and to reach their full potential in a caring and happy environment.
Faithful to the Catholic ethos and noble tradition of the parish national school we encourage:
- a deepening of Christian faith and moral values.
- personal and emotional development in an atmosphere of appropriate freedom
- a deep respect for academic excellence, intellectual pursuits and independent thought
- social ease, self-discipline and social skills to deal with the responsibilities of living as part of a community
- a spirit of equality and justice promoting an awareness of one’s duties towards others, towards society and towards the natural world.
- a lively interest in diverse artistic, creative, cultural and sporting activities.
- a continual in-service training and education towards staff development and support, thus preserving the traditional professional standards within the school.
- a fostering of links between home, school and the wider community

Déanaimid gach iarracht an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn mar chuid dár n-oidhreacht ársa mar Éireannaigh, meas ar an teanga a chothú i measc na ndaltaí, agus a gcumas i labhairt na teanga a thabhairt chun foirfeachta. The service we offer is centred on the formation of the whole person, is designed that every student is a valued member of our school and later becomes a confident, well-adjusted and fulfilled member of the wider community.
Aughacasla N.S. Staff
Junior Infants – Ms Rachel Sheehy
Senior Infants – Ms Gráinne Higgins
First & Second Class – Ms Sharon Greaney
Third & Fourth Class – Mr David Doyle (Principal)
Fifth & Sixth Class – Ms Claire McSweeney
Special Educational Teacher – Ms Síne Williams (Deputy Principal)
Special Educational Teacher – Ms Elana Heasman / Ms Denise Hennessy
Special Needs Assistants – Katie Cawley, Michelle Hearty and Breda Curran
School Caretaker – Timmy Hennessy
Aughacasla Board of Management
Chairperson – Sheila O’Donnell
BOM Secretary/Principal – David Doyle
Teachers Nominee – Síne Williams
Patrons Nominee – Father Eamonn Mulvihill
Parents Nominees – Ger O’Callaghan and Áine O’Dwyer
Community Nominees – Mike Griffin and Carol McCormack