The sun was shining all day for our Sports Day on Friday. We had great fun participating in various activities. These included sack races, relay race, obstacle course, bull dog, dodgeball, skipping, penalty shootout and welly throwing. After all the activities we...
There was great excitement today in Aughacasla for our annual beach walk for Active Week. The weather was very kind to us – which even gave us time for a spot of sandcastle building before we headed back to school. We finish our Active week tomorrow with Sports Day....
5th and 6th Class received First Aid training today from Kathleen Finnegan from the Bon Secure Hospital in Tralee. It is a great life skill for the children to learn. A big thanks to Kathleen for coming out to teach the children. All the staff of Aughacasla NS...
Some of the boys and girls from 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th took part in a soccer blitz last Friday – 15th June. They performed very well throughout and did the school very proud. Well Done lads! Thanks to Mr Doyle and Mr Holly who accompanied the children to Camp pitch....
Active week kicked off today with some dance. There were some very impressive displays of creative dance – even by some of the teachers. It was a great way to start active week. Thanks to all the teachers for co-coordinating the day. Have a look at some of the moves...