School Closure

School Closure

Due to the severe weather warning, and as per the Department of Education guidelines the school will be closed tomorrow Thursday 1st & Friday 2nd March. We hope you all stay safe.
World Book Day

World Book Day

Many thanks to Ailbhe Keogan who came into school today to help us celebrate World Book Day. Ailbhe ran a Story Workshop with all classes which all classes thoroughly enjoyed. There were some interesting and fantastic stories created by the children during the...
World Book Day

World Book Day

World Book Day is this Thursday the 1st of March. To celebrate we would like the children to come to school that day dressed as their favourite character as well as bringing their favourite book. This is also a fundraiser for the PA and we would ask that each child...
School News

School News

Spring has sprung in Aughacasla. We are enjoying the lovely weather and hope it lasts for the next few weeks. The choir is being set up for the Holy Communion this week. Children from 1st – 6th will receive permission slips. Could you return the slip to Miss O’Shea as...
Science Experimenting in 5th & 6th Class

Science Experimenting in 5th & 6th Class

Recently fifth and sixth class experimented with Sodium Polyacrylite. This is the chemical powder found in disposable nappies which substance adsorbs liquids. Group 2 (Jason, Aoife, Grainne and Eanna) took it to the extreme by using a huge jug! Jason was the brave...