Clothes Collection

Clothes Collection

THANK YOU!! We would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who dropped in bags for the clothes collection today. The amount of bags we got was absolutely fantastic. Your support and generosity is always greatly...
Lucy Hunt’s Second Visit

Lucy Hunt’s Second Visit

Lucy Hunt visited us again on Friday 3rd March. She brought some sea friends with her this time. She gave us a great insight into our local environment and different sea animals. 3rd – 6th Classes did some great projects about sea animals which they presented to Lucy....
Our School Community

Our School Community

We all work together to make our school community a happier place…. We have a great school community here in Aughacasla. Here is a picture of all our lovely faces that the children have designed...
Storytime with Michelle

Storytime with Michelle

Storytime with Michelle our sna……. who is reading a children’s book ‘A Dog Called Cat’ written by her aunt Ann Ramathas who is originally from Castlegregory. Thanks Michelle.                                    ...
World Book Day

World Book Day

Thursday 2nd March was World Book Day. To celebrate the event the children of Aughacasla National School were invited to bring their favourite book to school to discuss and draw pictures of. It was a great day and really encouraged the children to appreciate reading...